Title: If at First You Don't Succeed... Universe: General Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crackish Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Superman, Batman Word Count: 1844 Warnings: None Summary: Time loops are bad enough. Try spending one with Batman.
Title: Too Much of a Good Thing Universe: General Genre: Humor Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Word Count: 441 Warnings: None Summary: Holiday parties bore Bruce.
Title: Batman Hates Field Trips Universe: General Genre: CRACK Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Batman, Superman Word Count: 429 Warnings: None Summary: A trip off-world results in Batman in a bind.
Title: On the Ball Universe: General Genre: Comedy Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Word Count: 490 Warnings: None Summary: Clark has a laugh, and Bruce refuses to join in.
Title: Super Tongue-Lashing Universe: General. Genre: Drama Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Word Count: 799 Warnings: none Summary: Bruce wakes up to words of admonishment from Clark.
Title: Fade To Black Universe: DCU (DC Universe) Genre: General Rating: PG-13 Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Word Count: 832 words Summary: Clark learns the hard way that things can never be the same. Time will march on...
Title: Reaching Universe: Nolanverse meets Superman Rating: PG Genre: General Characters: Bruce Wayne/Batman, Superman Word Count: 608 Summary: Superman makes Bruce an offer he shouldn't refuse.
Title: A Special Occasion Universe: DCAU (DC Animated Universe) Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Bruce Wayne Word Count: 499 Summary: Clark goes out, and gets an earful for it...
Title: One Up Universe: General Genre: Comedy, Gen Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Bruce, Clark Kent, Dick, Alfred Word Count: 236 Warnings: None Summary: Clark is a giving sort. Bruce isn't a fan.